What's The inspiration of Yanku?

It began when my 5-year-old son, with wide eyes filled with wonder, crafted a pixel art character using the building blocks of Minecraft. His innocent question, "Dad, how can I share this with the world and keep it forever?" sparked an idea that would bridge the realms of childhood imagination and the revolutionary technology of Digital arts.

Inspired by his boundless creativity, I embarked on a mission to transform his prototype into something timeless. The pixel art character, originally formed in the vibrant world of Minecraft, became the muse for a new digital art movement. To preserve and share his creation with the world, I decided to bring his pixelated masterpiece into the realm of NFTs.

Drawing inspiration from the nostalgic charm of pixel art, reminiscent of classic video games and the simplicity of Minecraft, I envisioned a collection that not only immortalized my son's first artistic venture but also celebrated the essence of childhood creativity. The choice of pixel art allowed for a seamless transition from the digital canvas of Minecraft to the blockchain, creating a bridge between the analog and digital worlds.

The journey took a fascinating turn as I decided to mint 2500 unique NFTs, each encapsulating a piece of my son's imaginative spirit. The limited edition nature of the collection not only added value but also ensured that each NFT held a distinct place in the growing digital art landscape.

The vibrant colors, blocky aesthetics, and whimsical character designs became the defining elements of our NFT project. In every pixel, there was a story, a father's dedication to preserving a fleeting moment of his son's creativity.

This NFT collection became more than just a digital asset; it became a testament to the magic of childhood and the boundless possibilities of the blockchain. As each NFT found its home in the hands of collectors, the story of a father cherishing his son's creativity unfolded, creating an enduring legacy in the ever-evolving world of digital art and blockchain technology.